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We've made it easy for you to find the most appropriate Freshpet diet for your patient's specific dietary need

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Another tool in your nutritional tool box

While our Freshpet products are not intended for therapy, they offer numerous benefits in a highly palatable and digestible form. Certain diets may have beneficial attributes that will complement your recommendations potentially enhancing your therapy.

Picky eater approved

Even the most finicky eaters love our delicious, fresh recipes.

Shinier Skin and Coat

The fatty acids found in our fresh foods help keep coats shiny and healthy.

Healthier weight

Amino acids in protein help to build lean muscle, while other key ingredients help maintain a healthy weight.

Increased energy

The nutrient-rich ingredients in our recipes easily convert into energy.

Improved digestion

Our fridge-fresh meals are made from easily digestible proteins and fats.

Benefits of fresh pet food

There are many benefits to feeding pets a fresh, less processed diet. Here are few that stand out

A plate of meat, veggies, and fish

More available nutrition

A dog with a shiny coat

Promotes a healthy skin and coat

A scale with paw prints on it

Half to one-third caloric density of traditional dry pet food

A dog enjoying a bowl of Freshpet

Phenomenal acceptance from pets